Palfish - One month in and fully booked...

That's right folks... I've just started my second full month of teaching at Palfish and I have ALL my open slots booked for the next two weeks!

How? Read on...

Now if you're anything like me (i.e. impatient) then working at Palfish CAN be very disheartening! I get it, i've been there!

We are only human - we know we've got the skills - we are putting the effort in- where are the bookings?

Now when I first started working at Palfish I was ranking in the top 3000's of teachers for hours taught. Yep read that again if you want... there are 3000 teacher's working for Palfish. Guys, that's heaps!

Yes many of them may have signed up and given up... there is probably only half of those that are working hard at making something of the Palfish gig.

But that's STILL a LOT of teachers! What are you going to do to get noticed?

It may be that you have done EVERYTHING you can, and literally it is just going to come down to TIME. The right time for the right Palfish sales rep. to SEE you and recommend you.

So don't give up!

...and to be frank... lower your expectations!

Many people signed up recently to Palfish because of the forecast 'summer rush' This has now become a dirty phrase in Palfish circles. (It was a legitimate forecast based on previous years - it just didn't happen as expected)

Me? I didn't even know that school break was coming in China 😂 I signed up because I wanted a back up company, and Palfish appealed to me because of it's portability.

They set their expectations WAY too high - and then gave up when it didn't happen. I gave myself 10 weeks - 10 weeks to be happy with Palfish and the amount of bookings I was getting - or i'd find another company - simple as that. But I was going to give it a GOOD amount of time.

My tip...

Set SMALL achievable goals - and celebrate when you get there!

My first goal:

  • Make 200Y.
Now that is NOTHING! It's literally teaching 4 classes - but I knew I needed to make 200Y minimum for them to pay me for the month. I achieved it on the 17th of the month. That's right folks it took SEVENTEEN days for me to make 200y. 

Three no shows (The kid doesn't show up you get half pay) and Two trials that I caught with pop-ups was what got me over the line! 

Teachers would get on the group chat and whinge about only getting ONE class a day, and I would laugh out loud, ONE CLASS A DAY? Show ME one class a day! I was getting one a WEEK! (If that).

Now did I sit around doing nothing for those 17 days? No way! I knew Palfish would be a slow burn - and I knew I had to market myself. 

In that time I 
  • Redid my background
  • Redid my text intro - twice!
  • Redid my voice intro...
  • Spent a good amount of time each day on the app. marketing
  • Looked back at my taught classes to see if their was some things I could improve 
  • Stalked popular teachers and their posts to get ideas...
  • and redid my introduction video THREE times! 

Monday the 15th my final introduction video attempt got verified. I think it was the Tuesday that my mentor told me i'd made it as a featured teacher on the kids app. (This is a BIG deal and I believe it was because my intro video was FINALLY on point). 

By Thursday I had my FIRST Official class, booked by a student and NOT the system. 

.. and suddenly there was a shift!

By the end of the month i'd made 2325Y (over TEN TIMES my goal) and I hit Level 2! 

It's now August 3rd and I have no open slots that aren't booked...not ONE!

But let's get back to July...

After the bookings started to increase my goal setting increased too.

I decided to aim for 150 points.

You start the month with 40 and it's 5-10 points a class.  I achieved that goal on the 24th. I had taught about 20 classes. 

I found out that if I taught 40 classes in the month with no lateness/absence I would receive a 200y bonus - pretty sweet considering I was aiming to make 200y in the WHOLE month initially 😂

I'd need to get 20 more classes - it was a stretch - but I decided to go for it!  

I made my goal on the 30th of the month.

Without realising I had also accumulated a LOT of points with that goal - well a lot more than I expected. Could I make it to 300 points? Could I make level 2 and get a Pay rise for August? I only needed 5 more classes. 

I taught them Wednesday night the 31st of July finishing at 11:30 pm AEST. 

Can you believe it? I went from basically NOTHING for 17 days to smashing all my expectations.

And that, my friends, is the Palfish rollercoaster. 

I recommend hopping on, and enjoying the ride!

Happy Teaching x

Useful Links: 

SayABC Click Here

Palfish Click Here

P.S. Every company offers a referral bonus - If you're interested in getting started and would like my help with the process drop me a line! 

Palfish referral code: 58910752 
SayABC referral code: EG63VF 


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