Palfish - How to pass the interview...

Remember folks, if you just want to do freetalk with adults you don't need to do an interview. 

However if you want to teach kids (I recommend it) then once you're verified, if you're looking to join the Official Kids Course,  you will need to do an interview.

Here's how to pass it.

Before we get to that though - here's a pro tip I wish I knew before I scheduled my interview.

Once you pass (you'll hear in 48 hours) and you complete your quiz (you can do this many times to get the answers right - easy) You will need to wait up to 8 business hours 10am - 8:30pm BJT and then you will go 'official' - as SOON as this happens all of the slots you selected as available for the Official Kids Course when you signed up for interview will open on your schedule and can be booked. ONLY choose slots you CAN work!

Also - those first 24-48 hours after you go 'official' will be when you will get the MOST pop-ups for classes!

So here's my tip...Schedule your interview 24-48 hours before a day that you are TOTALLY free and TOTALLY available to catch those pop-ups! The more you teach, the more you will be seen by the sales team so my advice is to make the most of those first 48 hours - BE available! Teach your best!

Get off to a good start!

Ok onto the interview...

These are the requirements:

  1. Introduction of your classroom background and teaching props (20sec)
  2. Greeting and simple self introduction (10sec)
  3. Demonstrate how you will explain 'circle it on the screen' to a student (20sec)
  4. Complete the lesson (15-20min)
You book a half hour timeslot to do your interview (This is 24 hour time so don't get caught out like I did - I missed my first interview COMPLETELY because I thought I'd booked Friday night - and I had booked Friday morning! 🤦)

Go into the classroom early! I went in 5 minutes early - probably overkill but DON'T BE LATE! You will see the timer counting down till class starts. As soon as it clicks over to 0 minutes taught you can begin. 

Nothing will indicate that you should begin - there is no actual student there - no interviewer- just start talking! 

Everything you do from 0 minutes on will be recorded (and you can watch the whole excruciating process back later if you like 😂)

Remember to wear blue!

Ok let's take a closer look at the requirements ...(Points 1-3)

You basically need to spend 1 min before you start teaching the demo - introducing yourself, your background and props and explaining how you would teach 'circle it' to a student. 

1 min is NOT very long.

Don't waffle - Speak clearly - 

Hello! My name is Teacher Bell - I live in Sydney - This is my Palfish classroom and here is my friend frog (Show puppet) etc. 

If you want to get extra points use a mirror to help explain 'circle it on the screen' to a student - See my post on basic TPR for more ideas. 

I gave my student a name and explained that before I started the 'circle it demo'.

 I would say:

(Name) can you Circle the Monkey?... Circle the monkey! (I would use TPR for circle)

If they didn't get it or were just doing it in the air I would hold up a mirror and show them how I circle on the screen. 

Once that little intro bit is done it's time to begin teaching the lesson.

Hello Monkey!

This is a common trial lesson on Palfish - you may as well go all out with your prop making in preparation because you will be teaching this lesson A LOT in your first month! 

Here are the props I had for my Hello Monkey trial:

(An eye, nose and mouth, a dog, cat and fish. A monkey and a monkey face on paper split into the three parts and my daughters little star wand to help with giving stars).

Even though you won't have a student there - PRETEND there is, try to show as many of your teaching skills as possible.

  • Pretend the student doesn't respond and show how you would use your puppet to get a response.
  • Pretend the student mispronounces something and show how you would correct
  • Give stars (Even though the button won't work with no-one there - pretend!)
  • I didn't use a secondary reward in my interview but if I HAD I probably would have done a lot better! 
  • When the student needs to circle or click something, you do it! -pretend it was them and then show how encouraging you would be when they do it. 
  • Don't feel like you have to stick exactly to the teaching guide - This is a Level K student - little to NO english - the Teaching Guide (TG) would have you talking all day if you read it as you were supposed to. You will NOT engage the student this way. Think creatively about how you can deliver the lesson for this level to understand. 
  • Figure out how to put your phone or tablet on 'do not disturb' so that you don't receive any notifications during teaching time. 
  • Use the AR filters! These filters are specific to the Palfish platform, they need to see that you can use them - put on the monkey filter, dog, cat and fish filter, you can play with them in the classroom before the interview to get the hang of where they are!

Don't finish too early!

Don't finish too late!

I'd say ideal for the WHOLE Interview would be 20-22 minutes. Show that you aren't going to rush your teaching - but also that you know how to manage your time!

When you go to leave the interview, if it's before 25min, an automated pop up will come up warning you not to go. Ignore it. It's ok to not stay the full 25min for your Interview. 

You can enter the classroom at any time before the interview to check the slides, play the games, and practice with the Teacher Guide (TG).

You will notice that everything is backwards and if you hold up letters they are the wrong way around on your screen... DON'T PANIC! Palfish mirrors your image for you so everything is the RIGHT WAY for the student when you teach 😀

SMILE! and have fun with it! I have a whole post on teaching your best check it out here! But I would like to highlight the amount of ENERGY you need to put across, whatever you think is energetic - AMP IT UP!

If you would like any of the prop images I used let me know...

If you have any questions or would like some help drop me a line!

Happy Teaching x

Useful Links: 

SayABC Click Here

Palfish Click Here

P.S. Every company offers a referral bonus - If you're interested in getting started and would like my help with the process drop me a line! 

Palfish referral code: 58910752 
SayABC referral code: EG63VF 


  1. Hi, I would like to ask if you used phone or laptop? If laptop, how did you do it? I tried opening it in Bluestacks but the camera doesnt work there. My phone is old so I don't think it can support Palfish app. I dont have a tablet too.

    1. Hey! you need a tablet or phone for palfish, you won't pass the interview without one as you need to be able to use the filters. Good luck!

  2. Hi there! I also accidentally missed my interview and am so upset! How did you reschedule yours?

    1. Hey! I got in touch with the admin (just replied to her message) with my reason and she said I could just go reschedule. so I did the same way I did the first time. Good luck!

  3. My interview is coming up soon and this was very helpful!!! I love your props! Where did you get them? Did you make them yourself?
    Thank you!!!

    1. Glad I could help! Thanks! I did make them myself - it's amazing what you can achieve with google images and a laminator - I also 'borrowed' some of my kids toys. Good luck with the interview!

  4. Hello teacher I don't have any TESOL certificate am I still qualified in palfish?

    1. Hello! You can teach adults using the freetalk function on the app. But you will need to have a TESOL or TEFL certificate and be a native English speaker in order to join the official kids course. You can get a certificate online very cheap and it usually takes 4-8 hours to complete. Good Luck.

  5. Hello! I ran out of time for my interview, I stop at 16/20 slide. I was wondering will they fail me for not finishing on time .

    1. Hi! If you taught very well and that was your only issue i'm sure they wouldn't fail you. Good luck!

    2. I made the same error. Kayla, did you get accepted?

    3. No I didn't. Can I apply again?

  6. Just an update regarding my comment... I went over the time limit, but they have allowed me to take another demo. If you are in that situation, then write to them immediately after the demo (somewhere on the app you can contact your “agent”) explaining you miscalculated the time and would like to try again. I’m sure if you put in the effort and showed enthusiasm, they will give you another try.


    2. Where on the app do you go to get in touch with your "agent". I've been looking on it but I can't find anything

    3. Hi! You have an Admin, when you go official on OKC - it's the person that gets in touch with you about the interview etc. You should see a floating headset on the homepage of the app. If you press on that it gives you a direct message to your admin. If you are still having trouble there are mentors on the official OKC facebook page that can help you out. Good luck!

  7. Hello Teacher Bell, I just applied today and completed all my info but I could not click Submit because I don't have a TESOL certificate. I received a Verified Failed message immediately stating that they could not offer me a position. I only want to be a free talk tutor. Am I still eligible for that?

    1. Hello! Yes you can do freetalk! Although I do recommend even just doing a cheap online TESOL cert so that you can join the OKC - it pays better. Good Luck!

    2. Thank you so much for your reply Teacher Bell. I would like to get a tesol cert too soon. But if I open my schedule now, the student will automatically know that I am only for free talk and Palfish allows this? -- just to be sure

    3. That is correct, there is no way you will be booked for OKC until you pass the requirements. For free talk you can click your 'start tutoring' button and wait, or open your schedule as you said and hope you get booked. Good Luck!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Thank you. So I just want to inform everybody that a TESOL/TEFL certificate is required to pass the verification process even just for free talk tutors which of course I finally got.

    6. Good to know! Thanks for the update! The law regarding certification and children changed recently, I wasn't aware that it affected adults on freetalk as well. Well done on getting your Tesol!

  8. Hi there I have an Interview tomorrow night and my certification hasn’t been approved what do I do? I’ve messaged them . I’m scared I’ve done something wrong

    1. Just double check you put in the correct names and numbers, don't panic about the interview, you can still take it and sort your certification out later. They wouldn't accept my Bachelor Degree or Masters Degree because I didn't want to take it out of the million dollar frame to get the number, but they accepted my $10 groupon TESOL cert. Go figure!

    2. Well I was very worried I didn’t do something right. They are hard to communicate with in operations .

  9. Hi, I am done with my demo but I can't see and hear myself on the recorded video. I am afraid I made a mistake or there was a malfunc during the demo. Is it normal or not? I an afraid I'll not pass the interview :(

    1. Hello! If you could see and hear yourself during the actual demo then don't stress, sometimes the playbacks aren't the best. if there is a problem your palfish admin would get in touch for you to redo it. Good luck!

    2. Thank you Teacher Bell! I hope everything went well. Another thing I am worried about is when I stopped the demo because I saw it's already 20 mins. I am still waiting for the result. I hope I'll pass it and be an official Palfish teacher

  10. Hi Teacher Bell, I've passed the interview and quiz. May I know where can I locate the official handbook so that I can read it again 😅. Thank you for your reply.

  11. Hi Teacher Bell! Do I need to make add account for salary already even if I didn't have the interview yet? Hoping for your reply. Thank you.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi again Teacher Belle...hehe...are we allowed to use a little Chinese for the interview/demo?...I know a little

  14. Hi! Thanks for all the useful info! Is the Teacher Guide up on the actual life demo too? I wasn't going to copy it word for word, but a guide would be good...!?


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