The Basics of TPR

TPR or Total Physical Response - was a whole new concept to me when I started teaching online.

It basically means using your hands, facial expressions and gestures to get your point across. That may seem like a simple concept - but i've never been one to 'talk with my hands'. So it did take a bit of practice 😀

Here are some Basic TPR gestures to get you started...

My name is...

Then I usually point to my name and then my mouth to say Teacher Bell...

Your...(It's rude to point in China - an open palm is a safer option).
Name... (Drag your hands across your front like a name tag).
Then cup your ear so they know you are waiting for a response...

And there you go! You got through the first question 😂😂😂

Are you happy?...

Where do you live? 
Good Job and Yes...
Counting/How old are you... (Start lifting fingers one at a time and counting)
When they do a REALLY good job/Yay!...

You get the idea! Most words can be acted out using TPR... give it a go!

Happy Teaching x 

P.S. Every company offers a referral bonus - If you're interested in getting started and would like my help with the process drop me a line! 

Palfish referral code: 58910752 
SayABC referral code: EG63VF 


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