Palfish - Why level 2 will do...

Palfish levels are important because they have a direct impact on an OKC teacher's pay rate!

Let's find out what they are all about!

Palfish Official Kids Course teachers always start the month on Level 1 - Everyone! Every month will start on Level 1- Points reset at midnight BJT on the last day of the month.

You get 5 points for teaching a class (Even if it's a no-show)

You can get 10 points for teaching the 'double' slot in your timetable.

You can get points for selling a package after a trial.

You can get points for recruiting another teacher.

Bonus points are given for no lateness and no absences in a month.

Each of these points accumulate in the month and move you towards the next level.

From your homepage you need to click on the 'Official score' icon:
You will then be taken to this page where you can see how you are doing...
This is a run down of the points you have, your absences, cancellations, lateness and trials sold etc. today we will just focus on the top section, your points and your level.

You can see that there are five levels and under each level is the number of points required to reach it AND the amount of pay you will receive per class IF you reach that level by the end of the month.

PLEASE note your pay WILL NOT go up as soon as you reach the level - what ever level you get will be the rate you will be paid per class the FOLLOWING month - for the WHOLE month. I made Level 2 at 11:30pm on the last day of last month so this month my pay is 60y per lesson. 

  1. 0 points (55Y per lesson)
  2. 300 points (60Y per lesson)
  3. 700 points (65Y per lesson)
  4. 1100 points (70Y per lesson)
  5. 1500 points (75Y per lesson)

In the top right you can see my rank (1085 as of this screenshot) there is a little arrow you can click on there that will take you to your points break down, which will look something like this:

You can see here that all my points are green which is good! I've gained points for doing the right thing. 

If I needed to cancel a class or didn't show up my negative points would show in red. 

If you aren't late or absent in a month then you start the month with 40 bonus points. 

If an OKC student cancels within 3 hours you get 2 points, however if it's the double slot you still get the 10 points!

If you cancel a class outside of 24 hours you will lose a point,

within 24 hours 5 points.

You get the picture.

I think this is a very clever way of Palfish getting you to put your whole effort in.

But remember at the end of the day we are talking about 5Y extra per class or $2 an hour.

The difference between Level 1 and Level 5 is $8 an hour! Which is a pretty sweet deal for those that can get there!

Many people celebrate reaching Level 5, and SO they should! Because that's a LOT of classes in a month. A LOT of commitment, and a LOT of work. 

1500 points is about 300 classes in a month or 10 a day. If that's your thing then GO FOR IT!

But it's not for everyone!

That's not what success looks like for me.

I'm a part-time Palfisher - Check here for my schedule tips.

I don't work at ALL on a Sunday

My main hours are Friday and Saturday night.

I have a family with three young kids. There are lunches to be made in the morning and soccer on Saturdays - swimming practice to attend AND I have my other company commitments two nights a week. 

I can't do FULLTIME on Palfish. 

Just for fun i'm aiming to hit Level 3 by the end of the month. Things have slowed down a little for me now i'm no longer a featured teacher - but i'm still getting plenty of bookings from my regulars. I took a WHOLE week off to go on a family holiday this month so it will be a push to get there.

But it's possible to be level 3 and part time - easy!

But when I sat down and reevaluated my goals and where I was at. I decided to take things a bit slower in September. 

I don't want to be grumpy with my kids in the morning.

I don't want to lose my voice every other day.

I want to be able to watch Netflix with the hubby. 

So before all my slots become fixed i'm closing some of them down. 

For me Level 2 will do.

What are your goals?

How will you get there?

How will you find the balance?

Drop me a line!

Happy Teaching x 

Useful Links: 

SayABC Click Here

Palfish Click Here

 P.S. Every company offers a referral bonus - If you're interested in getting started and would like my help with the process drop me a line! 

Palfish referral code: 58910752 
SayABC referral code: EG63VF 


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