It's been a while...

Hey y'all

It's been a little while since i've been able to sit down and wax lyrical ...

Probably because i've been so busy teaching!

...and mothering, and wifing and lifing.

So thought it was time to check in and let you know how it's going.

I travelled for the first time with Palfish this weekend. So THAT'S exciting! Truth be told it was kind of stressful and next time i'd probably be more organised and take the time off.

Don't get me wrong it was relatively easy but i'm a stresser, so I need my lighting to be good and my internet to be strong.

Of course it all went fine - but was it worth me stressing on my holiday? hmm jury is out.

In other big news we just hit Daylight Savings Time in Australia. Which means where I live we are now three hours away from 'china time'.

This means all my classes moved an hour later!

It opens up more opportunity for me to teach after 7pm(AEST) when the kids are in bed. BUT it also means i'm up to midnight most nights.

I'm NO good on NO sleep, so i'll let you know how that goes!

I've already successfully moved a couple of my Palfish regular fixed slots to earlier in the night (yep just messaged their head teacher and gave them some other possibilities) SO easy. So I know that's an option if I need it when i'm up 'till 12:30am on Saturday night!

All the new weekly slots I opened up became fixed over night - so that's encouraging. It means I still have students that want to have more classes with me!

I still don't have my early homeroom filled with SayABC - I WAS going to drop my last homeroom time slot when DST started, but seeing as i'm already down to three and they've moved all their times 20min earlier i'll see how I go. I really don't want to drop down to two homerooms.

Anyho, word to the wise there are many facebook sites associated with each of these platforms - they are there for people to ask questions and get advice - but BE WARNED sometimes they are NOT the most supportive places.

People can get slammed - the world is a cruel place yo.

Don't get me wrong there are plenty of lovely people that will answer your questions - and a couple of opinionated haters that will slam you for asking 'such a redundant question'. Luckily this hasn't happened to me. But i've seen it PLENTY of times.

So there you go, you've been warned.

Ok that's it from me!

Teacher Bell out!

Happy Teaching x

P.S. Every company offers a referral bonus - If you're interested in getting started and would like my help with the process drop me a line! 

Palfish referral code: 58910752 
SayABC referral code: EG63VF 


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